8 Reasons Rob Lucci Is The Best Antagonist Of All Characters In One Piece! - RKSWEBSITE 8 Reasons Rob Lucci Is The Best Antagonist Of All Characters In One Piece!

8 Reasons Rob Lucci Is The Best Antagonist Of All Characters In One Piece!

8 Reasons Rob Lucci Is The Best Antagonist Of All Characters In One Piece!

Rob Lucci is the main antagonist that Luffy faces in Enies Lobby. He is also one of Luffy's strongest rivals to date. On this occasion the author wants to discuss the reasons why Rob Lucci is called the best antagonist in One Piece. Curious? Just take a look at the discussion below!

The Main Antagonist in One of the Best Plots

Fans say that the Enies Lobby plot is one of the best in One Piece. The reason is because in this plot the crew is trying to save their nakama, Nico Robin. Not only that, all the crew also fought against CP9 members, including Nami, Chopper, and Usopp who rarely fought big antagonists.

Because he is present as the main antagonist in the plot, Rob Lucci can also be said to be the best antagonist. The fight against Lucci is not an easy thing for Luffy.

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Lucci Forces Luffy To Go Beyond His Limits

The fight against Rob Lucci was one of the toughest for Luffy. Unlike other fights where Luffy can defeat his opponent alone, Lucci has almost defeated Luffy with a Rokuogan attack.

What made Luffy able to get up and fight again was the screams from Usopp who supported him to win. Without Usopp or the other nakama at that time, Luffy must have really lost against Lucci and was caught by the Marines.

His fight against Luffy became one of the best

Many fans say that Lucci's fight against Luffy is one of the best in One Piece. Yes, this fight is no less cool when Luffy fights Katakuri. This was because their duel was extremely fierce. Here Luffy also first showed the Gear Second and Gear Third techniques.

Unique Fighting Style

Rob Lucci is really a strong fighter. He has a self-defense technique that most of the antagonists in One Piece don't have. Although Lucci has the power of a devil fruit, he himself has mastered the martial arts known as Rokushiki. 

This technique grants him a certain power that gives him an increase in stats during combat. While his jaguar devil fruit serves to increase his physical strength and speed. In the fight against Luffy, Lucci can inflict severe damage with the Rokuogan technique.

Killing Anyone Who Gets In His Way

As sadistic as Akainu, Lucci will kill anyone who gets in the way of his mission. He didn't care if the person was a pirate or a commoner, they would be killed if they were seen as getting in the way. Lucci does not hesitate to kill anyone he deems weak.

Being an official member of the World Government organization with a high rank, Lucci is allowed to kill anyone without getting punished. This is what makes him a vicious antagonist. Even Yonkou like Kaido or Big Mom would not carelessly kill people like Lucci did.

Believe in Dark Justice

The World Government and the Navy have different views on justice. For example, Akainu believes in absolute justice, which allows him to sacrifice anyone to get justice. 

Meanwhile, Lucci believes in dark justice. As the name suggests, Lucci will finish off anyone who gets in the way of the World Government's mission. Lucci also considers them to be criminals. This is why he doesn't hesitate to finish off anyone who gets in his way.

Plays an Important Role in Luffy's Development

Lucci is one of the characters who plays an important role in helping Luffy grow stronger. During their fight, Luffy was repeatedly forced to exceed his limits or he would be killed. Thanks to Lucci as well, Luffy's strength becomes even greater when he remembers his nakama.

Katakuri did play an important role in Luffy's development because the experience Luffy gained from fighting him was huge. But Rob Lucci is also the reason why Luffy can become as strong as he is today.

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Still Rising After His Defeat

Unlike other antagonists who may not fight Luffy again after his defeat, Rob Lucci rose from defeat to join a higher organization, namely CP0. After the time skip, Lucci's strength is certainly much greater although we still don't know if he has all three types of Haki.

In CP0, Lucci wears a white robe along with his two CP9 partners, Spandam and Kaku. After the time skip, Lucci was only shown fighting once, namely in the movie Stampede, precisely when he fought against Sabo. It would be fun if CP0 later faced the Straw Hats.

Those were the reasons why Rob Lucci was the best antagonist in One Piece. Keep in mind that it's just an opinion, so don't take it too seriously. If this information is interesting, please share it with your friends. 

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