10 Facts about One Piece Buggy, One of the Former Crews of the Roger Pirates - RKSWEBSITE 10 Facts about One Piece Buggy, One of the Former Crews of the Roger Pirates

10 Facts about One Piece Buggy, One of the Former Crews of the Roger Pirates

One Piece has shown incredible durability since its debut. With two decades of film, manga, and anime releases under its belt, the ongoing chronicle of  the Straw Hat Pirates has proven to be as tough as their captain.

It's impossible to hold off Monkey D. Luffy for long thanks to the twin abilities of his Gum-Gum Devil Fruit and become a shonen protagonist. Offering the same longevity is the clown-themed pirate, Buggy the Clown.

Buggy  was originally characterized by three things: his trademark look, his ego, and his abilities. The first two qualities mark him for karmic retribution in the world of One Piece, as his plans only worked long enough to backfire.

The third is the  Bara Bara Devil Fruit power  , which is her way of dealing with any unforeseen consequences that lead to her. Here's a rundown of the most salient facts about the Clown Prince of the Sea before fate ripped the rug from under him again.

The longest recurring Devil Fruit user not affiliated with the Straw Hat crew

10 Facts about One Piece Buggy, One of the Former Crews of the Roger Pirates

Buggy  and  Luffy 's initial meeting  in the East Blue  hamlet of Orange Town ended in a decisive victory for the would-be Pirate King, but sending  Buggy  flying didn't put him out of the picture.

As  the Straw Hat Pirates  advance deeper into the Grand Line, the clown-faced pirate has embarked on his own parallel adventure. From Orange Town to Loguetown, Impel Down to Marineford; it's always surprising where  Buggy 's path  will intersect with the next crew.

Buggy is a former member of the Pirate King's crew

10 Facts about One Piece Buggy, One of the Former Crews of the Roger Pirates

In the One Piece saga, it's hard to overestimate the mythical qualities of Gol D. Roger . Almost everyone who becomes a pirate in One Piece is inspired by the world's most famous pirate and the challenges he left behind.

So staying alive while he -- let alone sailing with  Roger  -- gave him some of that legendary status. When  Luffy  first confronted  Buggy , the clown recognized the Straw Hat Pirate captain 's signature headgear   as belonging to a former shipmate on  Roger 's ship. .

Shanks is the reason Buggy is a Devil Fruit user

10 Facts about One Piece Buggy, One of the Former Crews of the Roger Pirates

While the legend of  Roger  inspired many to live a life of piracy,  Luffy  has a much more personal relationship with the legend. His mentor, Shanks , also sailed with Roger  himself.

Buggy , Shanks ' former crewmate  , likes nothing but the one-armed redhead. They continue to argue, and  Buggy  is always trying to show  Shanks . This backfires when  Buggy  hoards  a Devil Fruit .

Buggy 's plan   was to sell the fruit at a high price, but his plan disappeared into his stomach when  Shanks  accidentally surprised  Buggy . The clown swallowed the fruit hastily to hide it, losing his talent for swimming.

Despite clearly enjoying  Devil Fruit powers ,  Buggy   never forgave  Shanks  for this loss.

Buggy has an accidental talent for making allies

10 Facts about One Piece Buggy, One of the Former Crews of the Roger Pirates

The point may have been pushed home by earlier items on this list, but what makes it amazing is how it keeps going. He even crossed paths with  Luffy 's brother , Ace ! The previous enemies  of the Straw Hat Pirates , such as the   pirate Alvida and former Crocodile Mr. 3  or Galdino , has been  an enduring member of Buggy 's crew.

They knew the clown he was for and chose to stand with him, unlike the cult of gullible personality  Buggy  's followers built around their Captain. If  Buggy  could (reluctantly) team up with former rivals like  Shanks  and his protégé, what potential heights could he reach?

Buggy is a Shichibukai

10 Facts about One Piece Buggy, One of the Former Crews of the Roger Pirates

Translated as "Seven Warriors of the Sea,"  the Shicibukai  are pirates granted amnesty by the World Government. These powerful freebooters turned privateers, including heavy hitters like Mihawk and  the evil Crocodile  among their ranks.

The Shicibukai 's intended purpose was to support the World Government Marines as a counterbalance to the increasing power of the Four Sea Emperors (otherwise known as the Yonko).

However, after the Marineford war, the  Shicibukai ranks  had thinned out. After meeting defeat at the hands of  Luffy  ( Crocodile , Gecko Moria , Doflamingo ), join his cause ( Jinbei , Trafalgar Law ), or go rogue; recruitment drive is needed.

Even  Buggy  himself couldn't believe that he had earned a seat among one of the sea's great powers, but one thing was for sure: He would squeeze that position for all it's worth.

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The tassels on Buggy's hat are his hair

10 Facts about One Piece Buggy, One of the Former Crews of the Roger Pirates

The One Piece manga has long columns in which series creator Eiichiro Oda answers fan questions. Moments after  Buggy  was introduced, Oda was asked what the twin blue tassels on either side of the pirate clown's hat were. The answer? Buggy  purposely tied his hair into twin ponytails, then fed them through the hole in the hat.

The Buggy gy hat  is basically a single, large, pirate-themed headband. Laughing at your own peril—the single ponytail she wore while topless in Impel Down clearly shows that she's got the keys to it. Furthermore, since the comment about his nose prompted him to kill, who knows what would provoke a mockery of his hair!

Buggy's original design is very different

10 Facts about One Piece Buggy, One of the Former Crews of the Roger Pirates

The most immediately noticeable thing about  the Buggy  is its signature look: The nose. His red Schnoz has stood out even in flashbacks when  Buggy  wasn't fully committed to his clown persona. Interestingly enough, One Piece creator, Eiichiro Oda didn't manage to understand  Buggy 's character  on the first try.

In early drafts of the manga,  Buggy  was described as "Boogie." Allegedly, Oda saw the name being used and decided to go in a different direction. He also revamped "Boogie's" more realistic 'horror movie clown' style, opting for  Buggy  as we know him today.

Buggy's Devil Fruit has some critical weaknesses

10 Facts about One Piece Buggy, One of the Former Crews of the Roger Pirates

Buggy 's Ember's ability   comes from   a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit . This means that it affects the user's body in several ways. For  Buggy , he can separate the parts of his body and control them independently of each other. This essentially makes it impervious to bladed and edged weapons. He can easily dodge small arms fire as well.

All of this comes with two important caveats: His feet must remain grounded, and all controlled parts of his body must be within visual range. While  Buggy  can guide the pieces back as soon as he can see them, these two weaknesses were a big contributor to his initial downfall.

While  Luffy  distracted him by tickling his feet, Nami was able to catch  Buggy 's hands and feet . Buggy  the 'chibi' is the only one left of the pirates, who must eventually go on a quest to get his whole body back once again.

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Buggy was the first villain to almost kill Luffy

10 Facts about One Piece Buggy, One of the Former Crews of the Roger Pirates

Monkey D. Luffy  has been shot and stabbed, beaten and beaten. After all, his rubber body had bounced back from countless physical traumas. This made it all the more surprising that his adventure was nearly over by  Buggy  and a short swordsman.

When the clown and the rubber pirates cross paths for Round 2,  Buggy  manages to capture  Luffy  on the same execution platform where  Gol D. Roger  met his end. The platform is mysteriously struck by lightning, saving  Luffy  and frying his would-be executioner.

What's Next For Buggy?

10 Facts about One Piece Buggy, One of the Former Crews of the Roger Pirates

It's hard to speculate on what might happen next for  Buggy . As previously mentioned,  the Shicibukai  haven't had the most stable position since  Luffy  appeared. In the manga, which was several months before the anime,  Buggy  once again reappeared as a key player in the Zou Arc . Clowns are not going anywhere.

Can the two characters become closer during their journey? Hopefully, Eiichiro Oda won't make us wait another two decades to find out.

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